Saturday, April 16, 2011

April 17th, 2011

This morning we are to tour a Steel Mill. I think that this could be an interesting learning experience.

The tour was very interesting and the gentleman that we spoke to were great!

Now it is time to leave and go to Coelemu

April 16th, 2011

I am sorry about not uploading anything recently, but we have been so busy. In any case let me fill you in o our last few days. It has been very busy...

In the morning of the 12th we toured the we were back in Concepcion with the Rotary groups from Talcahuano. The first we did this mornibg was tour the Monitor Huascar. The ship was taken during the war of the Paficic between Chile and Peru. Here are some pictures of the group and the Huascar.

After the ship we went to tour an Oil refinery. Again an experience that I never thought I would be able to do. The person who gave went through all of the different processes in refining crude oil. It was informative going through all of the steps in the process to capture the most efficincies. After the presentation we went on a tour of the plant.

Finally that night we did our club presentation. Here are a few photos of the event.

Tomorrow morning we are going to tour CAP steel mill. It is the second larest mill in Chile. Ithink this quit the learning experience.


Okay so last night we had an excellent dinner an Asado (Chilean BBQ) some pisco sours, piscolas and some marvelous vino tinto. We were treated with a typical Chilean dance (Cueca) by friends of friends. Great ending to a great day. (some of us however found a little night life in Coelemu) :) Woke up early to hop in a bus to drive to the rotary club district meeting. We gave a quick presentation and then headed to a local club to have lunch. Afterwards we hopped in yet another bus with the Chillan rotarians and made our way to the east. We stopped for a drink at the Chillan club before retiring with each of our respective host families. Buenos Noches!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Got into Coelemu last night with the RC from Talcahuano. We were greeted by a warm family reception. Lots of food and laughter followed by a few drinks. :) In the morning we woke up and had a typical Chilean breakfast followed by a meeting with the Mayor's administrative assistant. (Mayor was ill). Afterwards we changed and headed to the vineyards. We ate some grapes, took a ton of pictures (this was our first sighting of the Andes), and watched how they run their farm. Afterwards we ate a wonderful lunch, two types of soup. One with meat and the other with beans and barley. After that we headed towards the beaches. WOW. See below pics.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Okay finally got some time to hop on the internet and put a post up!! Wow what a trip so far! We've done a lot in only a few days. We're currently staying with host families in the port city of Talcahuano. Talcahuano was one of the hardest hit by the earthquake and following tsunami. There was a lot of destruction and what the earthquake didn't hit the tsunami did. People here said the tsunami was about 5m (~16'ft) high. I'm going to throw some pictures in from the past few days. Enjoy! Jim.

Fresh oysters in Llico
The group on a hill in Llico

The Mural in the Arts Centre, University of Concepcion
Bob and I visiting the Bomberos in Concepcion

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Random Pictures from the last few days

Here are just a few pictures showing some of teh activities that we have been doing over the last few days. I appologize for not putting anything up over the last few days, but we have had so little time the last few days. In any case here are a few pictures of the area.

The Chilean National Flower